Announcement of the Give Gratitude Finalists!

Seventy-six fabulous people submitted applications to Give Gratitude, and I spent a grand total of two days selecting the finalists. On the first pass, I moved potential finalists to another folder. Feeling accomplished, I was like, hey, that should have whittled it down! Yeah... no!
I still had 25 applications to dig through at that point! All of the applications shared such personal stories, that it made it so difficult to eliminate each and every application that did not make it as a finalist.
In the end, I was only able to choose five finalists. These five finalists resonated with me, they each have a passionate but truly laid out plan on what they feel Gratitude should accomplish.
Congratulations to the final five:
- Tamara Lewis from New York
- Lorrie Brown from Michigan
- Melanie Monteverde and Jason Weesner from California
- Preston Tillotson and Tyler Robinson from California
- Kaysha Mangum from Texas
Now, it's up to the Advisors to nail us down! Each of these lovely people has received a copy of the finalists' applications, and they are already fervently discussing their choices. On October 1st, Gratitude Soapery will have it's new owner, and I can't wait to find out who that will be!
(Before Give Gratitude ended, I was offered the opportunity to share with the Oh My Handmade Goodness community, so if you missed that, definitely check out how I came to the conclusion to give away Gratitude Soapery and what questions I ask myself to self-edit.)
ALL of the applications were truly uplifting and gave me such hope for our industry and it's ability to change the world.
After choosing the finalists, I talked it out with my other half and we decided that this is my opportunity to help all of us do more. I want to help everyone in the Modern Soapmaking community to follow their vision of creating a better world.
So, I've decided I'll host a free webinar in October for the Modern Soapmaking community to help implement social business models into bath + body companies! Whoot!
This will be the first webinar for Modern Soapmaking, (and it was a goal of mine to do one by the end of the year - two birds, one stone! Yay!) There will be ABSOLUTELY no sales pitches. Those bait & switch schemes really get on my nerves.
If you'd like more information about the webinar, all the details can be found right here.
I hope you'll join me so that we can work towards making a difference in the world together! Thank you again to all of the applicants of Give Gratitude, I can't put into words the amount of touchy-feels that have been fluttering around my office this week!
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