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Being a Mompreneur: Why You Can't Do It All (& How to Do What You Can) starting a soap business

One of my favoriteĀ indie perfumists of many years announced yesterday that she would not be returning from her hiatus, so she could focus on raising her baby girl.Ā Meredith acknowledged in her update ...

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The Struggle is Real: What to Do When You Don't Feel Like Doing Anything starting a soap business

As an entrepreneur, we all have those times where we don't feel like doing anything. Throw on the stresses of everyday life orĀ a mental illness like depression or bipolar, and sometimes, you have a re...

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Six Business Lessons My Six Year Old Helps Me Remember starting a soap business

It's not often that I get personal about my family here on Modern Soapmaking.Ā Some of my little soapy tribe knows that I'm a mother of three (soon to be four) daughters - a six year old, a five year o...

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12 Tips to Help Spruce Up Your Website for the Holidays branding your business promoting your products starting a soap business

With the holiday season upon us,Ā there are plenty of things to do as a soapmaker. Between prepping for craft shows, filling orders, and nailing holiday promotions, one big part ofĀ your marketing is pr...

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Why No One is Too Small to Follow the Labeling Rules & Cosmetics Regulations starting a soap business

InĀ discussions about the rules and regulations around selling handmade bath and body products in Facebook groups and soapmaking forums, I see it time and time again. Usually, someone asks for advice o...

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Recommended Cosmetics Industry Publications for Indie Business Owners starting a soap business

Soapmakers tend to live in their own little worlds, getting immersed in the latest tutorials and experiments by other soapmakers,Ā as well asĀ blog posts by niche industry writers (like me!) Hey, I'm no...

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Interview with Maria of Seagrape Bath + Body, Featured Soapmaker & Biz Owner soapmaker success stories starting a soap business

I'm always on the prowl to feature soapmakers who are making their way in the big ole world of small business. This week, I wanted to feature a soapmaker I came across on Instagram and have followed e...

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How to Know When You Are Ready to Start a Soap Company of Your Own starting a soap business

As a business coach in the handmade soap making industry, I get asked often about how long a soapmaker should wait before they start a soap company. It even comes up in our Facebook group often, and...

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Interview with Teri of Infusion Breast Care Botanicals, Featured American Made Finalist soapmaker success stories starting a soap business

This month, I'm following the adventures of four American Made finalists in the Beauty category, and getting up close and personal to see what we can learn from their business-building experiences.


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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.