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Inside the 4155 pages of theĀ Consolidated Appropriations Act, CongressĀ overhauled the FDA'sĀ oversight and regulatory framework on cosmetics. The 36 pages tucked inside, referred to asĀ theĀ Modernizatio...
When youāre getting your soap biz off the ground, you are probably being careful about where you spend your cash. For many new soapmakers in business that often looks like gathering up a list of suppl...
What happens when your sweaty ass boyfriend comes home from jiu-jitsu and wants to get it on?
If you're like most women, you make that stinky man hop in the shower before laying a finger on you....
Every fall, a ton of questions from first-time holiday craft show vendors start streaming in. How much product do I take? What do I need? Any advice? If this sounds like burning hot questions, you n...
You pride yourself in making your products by hand. We get that! But what if bringing in a few items to resell alongside your soaps would make your customers even happier and increase your profits? An...
A lot of great soap companies got their start in home kitchens, spare bedrooms, and garages. And we think that's awesome! Creating great products in the comfort of your own home is totally doable. But...
It's no secret that Kenna lovesĀ Soapmaker 3. She's been using it for years. But, we hear from a lot of soapmakers that they struggle with the interface and learning curve. Or the software won't run on...
Before you can dive into your web design, either starting from scratch or doing some updates, you need to be crystal clear on what your goals are. And those goals should be all about making your botto...
I often get askedĀ about specific recommendations for production soapmaking when starting a soap business.
The truth of the matter is, it depends on your budget, your process, your formula, and so m
...It's not enough to be "not racist."
We must do better.
We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.
Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.