25% off anniversary sale ends

Oct 14th at 11:59 pm









skip the learning curve & build your successful soap biz with a roadmap for your first year

without the endless scrolling through forum threads and 2 am Google searches, hoping to find all the answers

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register for soapmaker to moneymaker today
try s2m with a monthly access subscription

the problem

If only I could help support my family doing what I love – making awesome soap – I could quit my day job.”

I’m TIRED of working so hard without anything to show for it. What the hell am I doing wrong?

Maybe my friends and family were wrong to encourage me…no matter what I do, I can’t get people to buy!

You can have the biz of your dreams, rockstar.

Like the hundreds of soapmakers I’ve worked with who started their own businesses, you want to share the handcrafted goodness, put food on your table, and build a life where you call the shots and make your own schedule.

Most soapmakers start their businesses off on the wrong foot: making costly mistakes, wasting time and money, and fumbling around until one day, years in the future, they either figure it out or call it quits.

That’s not what I want for you.

I've been there, rockstar.

Over a decade ago, I dug in to start my own soap business so I could stay home with my (at the time) newborn baby and 13 month old. I wanted to break free from relying on someone else for a paycheck.

Even though I knew better, I left my core philosophy (research, plan, test, market) in the dust! 

I did what most folks do – try this, try that. 

A little website design here, a little craft show there. 

A whole lot of making soap and a bit of random marketing everywhere I could.

After a lot of sleepless nights and crying in the shower, I slowly figured it out...

I worked my tail off to get my production processes as efficient as possible. I massaged the heck out of my branding and pricing.  

And within a year, I was smashing sales goals and running a profitable soap business.

And then I did it all over again with a second company (Gratitude Soapery) that I sold in 2018.

And then I built Soapmaker to Moneymaker, which has taught hundreds of soapmakers to do the same.

And now it's your turn to build the successful soap biz of your dreams.

Is Soapmaker to Moneymaker right for you?

Not everyone is ready to turn their passion into a profitable powerhouse, and that's okay. Here's how to know if this is the right move for you:

  • You are ready to dive in and create the business of your dreams rather than continuing to watch other soapmakers do it instead
  • You take action instead of sitting idly by hoping that everything will work out in your favor and to your expectations
  • You want to skip all the costly mistakes that other soapmakers make in this journey because it makes no sense to lose thousands of dollars in the course of business when you really don't have to
  • You crave a guided experience where you know exactly what to do every step of the way so you never fall behind, feel lost, or get overwhelmed
  • You want to surround yourself with other badass soapmakers who know what being successful is really like, and are tired of seeing bad advice in Facebook groups
  • You aren't afraid to create and live your life as an example to those around you, especially your kids and community
Yeah, that's me. Let me grab a seat in Soapmaker to Moneymaker today.

Imagine having a successful soap biz... without wasting years of your life on trial and error while saving thousands of dollars

here's a glimpse into your future...

  • You have the step-by-step process to turn your passion into profit and FINALLY get your soap business off the ground.
  • You know exactly what to do, how to do it, and have a plan to get it all done.
  • You have a strong business foundation that will ensure you’ll never be stumped by business basics.
  • You know how to efficiently create your products, price them for profit, and sell them to people who will be head over heels for them.
  • You make money every time you sell a bar of soap. No more scraping by or losing your ass.
  • You know where to sell your products using modern marketing methods that actually work for you, not against you.

Not only is all of this possible, but Soapmaker to Moneymaker will also get you there in a supportive environment with a hands-on community.

I want it, I want it all. Let me inside Soapmaker to Moneymaker.
Try S2M for yourself with a Monthly Access Subscription, instead.

Turn your passion into a profitable powerhouse with everything you need to know to tackle your first year in business, all wrapped up in one place.

Soapmaker to Moneymaker is everything you need to:

  • Find a community of dedicated peers to grow with
  • Build your successful soap business from the ground up
  • And turn your dreams into reality without wasting time and energy
This is exactly what I've been looking for. Sign me up!
Give S2M a chance with a monthly access subscription.

What's inside?

Soapmaker to Moneymaker is 12 weekly modules of easy-to-digest video lessons with additional downloads and optional assignments to help you learn the material and put it into practice. You'll get reminder emails for each week of the program and have constant access to the support community to ask questions. Most students spend 5 to 10 hours a week on the program, but every learner is unique!

Here's what you'll learn each week:

Module one

setting up for success legally

When you get started building a business, all the legal speak can get overwhelming, but we break it down in plain English. In this module, you’ll:

  • Navigate choosing your business name and protecting it from thievery and copycats
  • Get your business registered as well as lockdown any necessary permits, filings, and other government nonsense
  • Learn how to protect your business from damages, lost products, and unfortunate events with the proper kinds of insurance

Module two

the rules & the regs

One of the biggest areas of confusion around starting a soap or skincare biz is the landmine of regulations and rules out there to follow. In this module, you'll learn how to:

  • Master the laws and regulations that tell you what you and can’t do with your products
  • Simplify and fully understand how to label your products in line with federal law
  • Master the rules around your marketing so you don't unintentionally make illegal claims or violate laws

*Regulatory information provided is for U.S. based businesses.

Module three

know thy customer

Without really understanding your customers, your brand will become just another handmade soap company in the sea of oh-so-many. In this module, you’ll:

  • Pinpoint your target market with such precision your customers will think you can read minds.
  • Know where to find your people and how to turn them into cult-fav fans.

Module four

brand me, baby

Without badass branding, your products will end up just another commodity being tossed around in the market. In this module, you’ll:

  • Laser focus on your niche and know what sets your products apart from the umpteen million other soapmakers on the block.
  • Establish a love affair with language that will make your products go from, “Oh, that’s cute.” to “Oh, snap, I need that.“
  • Bring the branding full circle in every single move you make so your tribe just can’t resist getting your goodies in their hands.
Woman wearing a hijab saying Less Grr, More Yay!
Woman saying We Should Depart This Place Before We Choke on the Fumes of Toxic Masculinity

Module five

money mindset

Building a biz truly does test your money muscles and every entrepreneur always discovers they've been carrying around a lot of unhealthy baggage around money. In this module, you'll:

  • Flip the switch on how to establish a healthy relationship with money
  • Take the shame out of making bank and turn that cash into good for you, your fam, and your community
  • Learn how to actually invest in smart decisions and biz boosters rather than conning yourself into buying quick joys (fragrance oils, anyone?)

Module six

the business b's

Stacking cash means knowing what to do with it. Learn how to budget and keep tabs on your books in a way that supports your new money mindset and not lean into scarcity. In this module, you'll: 

  • Get crystal clear about your financial needs and goals, so your business can make it rain.
  • Setup a realistic and viable budget that helps you build your business without throwing money down the drain.
  • Get bookkeeping savvy to keep tabs on where all your money goes and where it comes from.

Module seven

profitable pricing

To own a successful soap business, you’ve gotta make money and not just cover your costs. In this module, you’ll:

  • Deep dive into what your costs really are because we know you are missing out on at least 20%
  • Set realistic and viable pricing that makes sure you’ve got a healthy bottom line to rely on
  • Walk away with the tools to combat pricing objections and the confidence to know you are building a biz - for real

Module eight

product line shine

Successful businesses serve up exactly what their people want and need. Your business ain’t going to be any different, darling. In this module, you’ll:

  • Research the landscape to figure out where your customers are being under-served or ignored.
  • Plan a cohesive product line-up that has your followers wanting everything you make.
  • Highlight what makes your offerings stand out from the crowd rather than blend right in.
  • Describe you products in a way that keeps people clicking “add to cart” and coming back for more.
Anne from Parks and Rec saying I'm There!
Moira Rose saying You're Very Speedy.

Module nine

quick easy and profitable soapmaking

One of the biggest downfalls of soapmakers in business is their love affair with the craft. But a business needs to streamline! In this module, you’ll:

  • Make quick work of soapmaking to keep your time and energy focused on boosting your biz to the next level.
  • Scale it up and tackle big batch soapmaking like a pro, even on a budget.
  • Learn how to forecast sales and properly plan production so you’ll never run out of fan favorites.
  • Find ways to keep your creativity in the game so you don’t burn out and hate your passion.

Module ten

the magic of marketing

The best product in the world won't sell unless it's supported in the world with marketing. Folks can't buy what they don't know about! In this module, you'll

  • Size up the different ways you can market your products so you can narrow your focus on the right ones for you.
  • Create a marketing master plan to help you navigate the months of biz-building ahead.

Module eleven

money-making methods

All the setup in the world won’t put money in the bank, so it’s time to start cashing in on your hard work. In this module, you’ll:

  • Decide on the right ways to sell your product, so you can rely on bringing in the cash.
  • Tackle and set up the revenue streams that will work for your business, not someone else’s.

On top of all of that, you're also getting access to more tools and resources to support you along the way...

let's dive into your bonuses

No matter when you register, you get:

  • Exclusive access to our Recommendations Vault, where we share all of our favorite service providers, software, tools, and vendors.
  • A super helpful Support Community that is always here for you through our website 
  • An invitation to our monthly live Q+A Sessions via Zoom to get all your questions answered (January through October)

And when you graduate*, we help you celebrate with:

  • Put Your Biz on Blast, our signature plan-your-launch workshop that walks you through how exactly to put you what you've learned into action
  • Core Compass Framework, our exclusive system to help you focus on exactly the right next steps for your business
  • The Skills Lab, a resource library stuffed full of recorded workshops, guides, and worksheets created to help you take your biz to the next level 

*Monthly access subscription students are not eligible for graduation features.

Hear straight from our grads about their experience with Soapmaker to Moneymaker

Find out what some of our graduates had to say about the program in their own words. Click on each video to play!


Lexie G.
International Student

Listen to Lexie talk about:

  • Going from hobby to business
  • Completing the program outside the United States
  • How S2M compares to other programs
  • Her favorite part of the program

Nicole A.
US-Based Student

Listen to Nicole talk about:

  • Putting money into her biz and not paying herself
  • How S2M compares to collegiate business programs
  • The module that changed everything
  • Why she'd pay for the program again and again

Aly V.
US-Based Student

Listen to Aly talk about:

  • Deciding to invest in the program
  • Her favorite parts of the program
  • The most significant impact S2M had on her business

Rebecca M.
US-Based Student

Listen to Rebecca talk about:

  • Getting focused on running a serious business
  • Investing in a program that's values-aligned
  • How S2M compares to other courses
  • Revisiting program content time and time again

Are you ready?

Get permanent access to the program and all it's features
with a one-time registration fee or equitable payment plan.

  • Ongoing access to the program and any future updates
  • Twelve weekly modules of video lessons, assignments, and materials to cover every step of starting a soap biz from scratch
  • Weekly emails to keep you on track and accountable, plus get you easy access to getting support (just hit reply!)
  • Monthly live Q&A calls to get your questions answered 
  • An interactive support forum on our website to meet other students, get help, and lean on the community
  • Access to bonus workshops and resources to support your journey



$1997 $1497

paid in full

25% off: 6th Anniversary Sale
Valid through 10/14/24

Register to Pay in Full


$333 $250

per month (for six months)

25% off: 6th Anniversary Sale
Valid through 10/14/24

Register with a Payment Plan
Give S2M a try before you fully commit.

We believe in you, so we invest in you, too.

We know that doing the work and putting the program into action yields results, but sometimes, we need a little push to make progress.

That's why Soapmaker to Moneymaker students like you get access to an exclusive Support Community to network, socialize, and get help.

And every month, you can hop on a Zoom call to get your questions answers in real-time by Kenna and the Modern Soapmaking team.

Want to take S2M for a test drive?

Get access to the program with a monthly access subscription that you can cancel any time.

Want to keep the program forever and get access to all the features?
Upgrade to permanent access with a prorated registration cost any time!

Monthly Access includes:

  • Twelve weekly modules of video lessons, assignments, and materials to cover every step of starting a soap biz from scratch
  • Weekly emails to keep you on track and accountable, plus get you easy access to getting support (just hit reply!)
  • Monthly live Q&A calls to get your questions answered 
  • An interactive support forum on our website to meet other students, get help, and lean on the community

Monthly Access does NOT include:

  • Permanent access to the program without a subscription
  • Put Your Biz on Blast workshop to build your launch plan
  • Core Compass Framework that demystifies business growth at any level
  • Skills Lab, a library of tools, resources, and workshops to further your learning

Reminder: this is a monthly subscription option for our signature program, Soapmaker to Moneymaker. It takes a minimum of three months to complete the program. You may cancel anytime in your Settings and will lose access to the program when doing so. If you wish to resubscribe, you will restart the program from the beginning. You can upgrade to permanent access with a prorated registration cost any time.



a month subscription

Sign up for Monthly Access

still not sure?

Find out what other graduates had to say about the program in their own words. Click on each image to read up!

David Rose walking through a door saying

Want to make sure Soapmaker to Moneymaker is the right fit for you? 

Tag in a member of the Modern Soapmaking Team to answer ALL your burning questions about the program!

Schedule a personal 15-min Zoom chat below. 

On the call, we'll talk over if S2M fits into your unique journey towards soap biz success. If you have any questions or concerns, this is the fastest and easiest way to get them sorted and walk away knowing if you are making the right choice to enroll in S2M.

Find out if Soapmaker to Moneymaker is right for you with a quick live chat

"I sold my 100th bar of soap after only being in business for ONE MONTH because of this course!

Not only that, but I am doing this with literally only one product. I ONLY SELL ONE BAR OF SOAP.

This course not only saved me from wasting hundreds of dollars, but also from wasting initial time by not being set up correctly."

Carina, Sweat Pretty Soap

"I can say this program works.

It doesn't just help me with sound advice and practical methods for my business, it helped me change my entire outlook and framework on the meaning of my work, what I want from my business, and that to reach my goals, I have to be willing to make big moves.

I'm working through the materials at a pace that works for my life, and the supports are there for me when I need them."

Valorie, St. Vrain Soap Company

There has never been a better time to start your journey towards success. The longer you wait to start, the longer it will take to arrive.

are we a good fit?

Should you join Soapmaker to Moneymaker? Is it the right fit for you?

We’re not your run-of-the-mill education & consulting company.

We're loud. We swear. We tell the whole ass truth.

And we believe in doing things differently.

Not everyone is going to like learning from us, let’s find out if you will:

  • You believe Black Lives Matter. (Forever.)
  • Your favorite season is the fall of the patriarchy.
  • You know that gender is a spectrum.
  • You believe love is love, no matter what that looks like from the outside.
  • You champion a hearty well placed "fuck".
  • You love GIFs so much you keep a folder of favorites.
  • You want a real business, not a make-believe play thing.
Yup, that's definitely me. Let me grab my seat, okay? Thanks.

Have questions? We've got answers.

Still have questions?

Send us a message and we'll get you answers!

Our team typically works Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm Central, and will get back to you as quickly as possible. Make sure your email address is free of typos! ;)

You can waste your time with lengthy threads in Facebook groups, getting advice from Sally Soaper with two cents in her bank account...

Or you can skip the b.s. and get everything you need in one place right here with us. We're ready for you, rockstar.

Register for Soapmaker to Moneymaker today.
Take S2M for a test drive with monthly access.

© 2014 - 2023 Modern Soapmaking, LLC