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Ready to Outsource Your Bookkeeping? Here's What You Need to Know making money selling soap

I'm constantly recommending that other folks outsource the parts of their businesses that they aren't the best at, and for a lot ofĀ soapmakers, that's bookkeeping! So, today, we're diving into what yo...

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A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

This post is brought to you courtesy of Molly.

When I first started making hot processĀ soap, I searched high and low forĀ a definitive set of steps, like a recipe, that would ensure my hot processĀ soa...

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Getting Started with Bookkeeping for Handmade Businesses making money selling soap

Over a year and a half ago, I was tearing my hair out over the mess of bookkeeping records I had kept in Wave Apps for my first year in business with Modern Soapmaking. After staring blankly at my com...

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Using Hot Process Soapmaking for Production Soaping guest contributors soap science and info

This article comes to you courtesy of Molly.

Like many of you, I learned how to make soap using the cold process method. My soap story actually started with a large jar of coconut oil that I wanted t...

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10 Surprising Facts About My Soapmaking History & Philosophy soap science and info

When I teach soapmaking classes and workshops, I always share little tidbits about my soapmaking that surprise students because they don't tend to follow the norm for soapmakers. I like to share these...

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An Unfortunate Tale of Intellectual Property Theft: How to Protect Yourself starting a soap business

Intellectual property theft is a common and unfortunate issue that online business owners deal with, and many don't know how to handle it when they come across their content (whether it's images, writ...

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Updated: Lather Lovers Additive Tests, One Year Later! soap science and info

In 2012, I participated in the Lather Lover's Additive Testing swap on the Dish Forum, hosted by the fabulous Shannon of Scenter Square.Ā I kept the samples from the testing for a couple years after th...

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Pure Soapmaking is the Perfect Companion for Natural Soapmakers (& I Want to Hand You a Copy!) news and updates soap science and info

When I found out Anne-Marie Faiola was working on a follow-up to her uber popular soapmaking book, Soapcrafting, I about died from excitement.Ā 

I chatted with Anne-Marie about how the new book was co...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.