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Announcing the New Owner of Gratitude Soapery (2017) news and updates

The last time I made this announcement, I never thought I would be doing it again!

After three fabulous years of managing Gratitude Soapery, Preston & Tyler have decided to move their lives forward i...

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Sneak Peek Tutorial: Citrus Breeze Brine Soap by The Nerdy Farm Wife guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

A few months ago, I received an email from Jan Berry, the rockstar creator behind TheNerdyFarmWife.com, regarding her upcoming book. She wanted to be sure she credited me with the creation of the tige...

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Tutorial: Fresh Peaches and Cream Soap Recipe with Coconut Cream and Peach Puree guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

This tutorial comes to you courtesy of Leanna Blacher.

Is there anything more classic and pure than peaches and cream? Consider this peaches and cream soap recipe a twist on the classic!! Instead of ...

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Welcoming a New Addition to Modern Soapmaking: Meet Stephanie news and updates

Back in March, I put out the call for applications for the perfect Community Coordinator to join the Modern Soapmaking team. This was a unique position in that the person needed advanced soapmaking ex...

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How To Choose The Best Name for Your Soap Business branding your business starting a soap business

Over the last week, I've spoken to no less than a dozen soapmakers who were held up in the process of starting their soap business because they couldn't choose a soap business name! Many of these soap...

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How to pH Test Soap the Right Way & Why It Matters! soap science and info

One of the common questions that come up on Modern Soapmaking, especially in hot process tutorials and liquid soapmaking tutorials, is how to pH test handmade soap. It's easy to understand why when th...

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Q+A with a CPA: Keeping Track of Your Inventory for Tax Purposes guest contributors making money selling soap

This time of year, folks tend to ask a whole lotta questions about managing their inventory, what to count and what not to count, and the best practices to keepingĀ track of inventory throughout the ye...

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Easy & Quick Tips for Making Liquid Soap Successfully guest contributors soap science and info

This article comes to you courtesy of Molly.

When soapmakers jump intoĀ making liquid soap, they often have trouble with the process because it's quite different from bar soapmaking! Boundaries cannot...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.