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How to Complete Your Cosmetic Notification Forms (Canada)

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Are you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of filling out your Cosmetic Notification Forms? If you've spent any time listening to other soapmakers g...

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My Best Advice for Successful Holiday Craft Shows making money selling soap promoting your products

Every fall, a ton of questions from first-time holiday craft show vendors start streaming in. How much product do I take? What do I need? Any advice? If this sounds like burning hot questions, you n...

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How to Make More Profit By Selling Soap Accessories making money selling soap

You pride yourself in making your products by hand. We get that! But what if bringing in a few items to resell alongside your soaps would make your customers even happier and increase your profits? An...

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How to Light Your Product Photos Like a Pro promoting your products starting a soap business

Light is the most important part of photography! It doesn't matter how spectacular your products look or how state-of-the-art your camera is; if your photography lighting is bad, your pictures are goi...

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How to Make Your Camera Settings Work for You promoting your products

Fiending for that fancy camera? Or have one in the closet that you never quite got the hang of? From ISO to f-stop, we are here to help you! Let's get up close and personal with your camera settings...

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What is the Best Camera for Product Photos? promoting your products starting a soap business

In today's world, owning a business that sells products usually means selling products online. But your customers can't snag your goodies from their screen to touch, smell, or try.  Give them the next...

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58 Photography Terms You Need to Know promoting your products starting a soap business

Are you ready to get in the know when it comes to photography terms? There's a lot of jargon that pops up when you are talking photography (kind of like soapmaking).  If you hire a pro photographer, i...

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An Interview with River County Soapworks: How to Knock Out Obstacles & Build Your Best Biz soapmaker success stories

When Kenna tasked me with doing our Soapmaker Success Stories interviews, Robin Hertz of River County Soapworks was at the top of my list of makers to reach out to. 

Many soapmakers can relate to Rob...

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How to Understand & Get the Soap Business Insurance You Need starting a soap business

There are a ton of different kinds of insurance on the market, both for you and your family as well as your business. In general, insurance is there to protect you, your assets, or your business. Bu...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.