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What Are the Best Soap Molds for Every Level? soap science and info starting a soap business

When you get bitten by the soapmaking bug, just about *everything* starts to look like a potential mold. However, with experience, you narrow down what kind of soap mold works best for you. Whether yo...

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Q+A with a CPA: How to Handle Home Business Taxes Like a Professional guest contributors making money selling soap starting a soap business

A lot of great soap companies got their start in home kitchens, spare bedrooms, and garages. And we think that's awesome! Creating great products in the comfort of your own home is totally doable. But...

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The Introduction of the Personal Care Products Safety Act 2019 in the United States Senate news and updates

It's been a while since our last update on cosmetics regulations reform when the Personal Care Products Safety Act in the Senate saw a hearing. Since this year marked a new session of Congress, we exp...

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Are You in the Know on Cosmetic Regulations Reform? (USA) news and updates

It can be difficult to keep track of what is going on with legislation and regulations on top of the everyday business you already need to look after. More often than not, small biz owners are too bus...

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An Interview with Taproot Organics: Can Working with Your Love Make Success? soapmaker success stories

It's no secret to anyone who knows me that soapmaking and cooking are two passions that fight for my attention. So, it's not a surprise that I'm smitten by a soapmaking team that incorporates a culina...

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Is Craftybase the Inventory Management Answer for Soapmakers in Business? making money selling soap starting a soap business

It's no secret that Kenna lovesĀ Soapmaker 3. She's been using it for years. But, we hear from a lot of soapmakers that they struggle with the interface and learning curve. Or the software won't run on...

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Can You Learn to Be a Great Teacher? An Interview with Lori of The Nova Studio soapmaker success stories starting a soap business

The Nova Studio is celebrating 15 years of being aĀ trusted source of education and information for those interested in making their own soap and bath and body products. Kenna (the owner of ModernSoapm...

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Can SMART goals make successful web design easy? making money selling soap starting a soap business

Before you can dive into your web design, either starting from scratch or doing some updates, you need to be crystal clear on what your goals are. And those goals should be all about making your botto...

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Soap Visor Review: A New Kind of Safety Gear guest contributors soap science and info

This post is brought to you courtesy of Izza.

Safety gear in soapmaking is an absolute necessity, but goggles can be a huge pain. Especially for those of us who sport glasses. Is there another option...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.