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Tutorial: Natural Classic Lavender Soap Recipe soap recipes and tutorials

My mémère's favorite is a bar of classic lavender soap and she relies on me to keep her stocked up! Even though I don't sell soap anymore, I still make batches here and there for friends & family, thi...

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Tutorial: Chocolate Covered Strawberry Soap Recipe guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

This tutorial is brought to you courtesy of Leana Blacher.

Valentine's Day is coming up, and with it comes all of the sweets and treats! To celebrate the season, I'm sharing my take on a chocolate co...

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If You Could Start Your Soap Business Over, What Would You Do Differently? starting a soap business

One of my favorite things about our Facebook group is that interesting discussions are always taking place! Recently, one of our members, Jennifer Jansen (From the Blue House) kicked off a great topic...

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How to Better Understand Water Discounts When You Make Soap soap science and info

One of the most common issues I run into with soapmakers is not understanding how the lye solution in soapmaking works. For instance, a soapmaker might take one of our recipes and incorrectly use the ...

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Tutorial: Rainbow Spin Swirl Soap Recipe + Video soap recipes and tutorials

I've had a ton of requests for more rainbow soaps, so I decided to get started with a simple spin swirl soap! This technique is one of my favorites in a slab because it's super easy and versatile. No ...

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Essential Oil Calculator Product Categories Explained (+ Updates) news and updates

It's been about a month and a half since the launch of the essential oil calculator,which means it's time for an update! 

Essential Oil Calculator Updates (December 2016)

Changes & Updates

  • Fixed
  • ...
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Tutorial: Modern Sandalwood Ombré Soap Recipe guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

The ombré trend is popular for good reason. It's timeless, a show stopper and looks so effortless, especially as a soap design. It is also a good way to see your colorant in action. I know I am not th...

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Giveaway: Getting Ready for an Awesome New Year! news and updates

For the last two years, I've rounded up my favorite planners and goal setting tools. Last year, I dished on my favorite planners for small biz owners right over here. And in 2015, I dished on how to u...

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Tutorial: Midnight Star Melt and Pour Soap Cake Recipe guest contributors soap recipes and tutorials

This tutorial is brought to you courtesy of Ariane.

In my shop, I always have a Cake of the Day soap sitting on the counter by the cash register. My regular clients love to come back weekly to check ...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.