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Troubleshooting: Volcano Soap & Soap Cracked on Top soap science and info

In the Modern Soapmaking Troubleshooting series, we explore various soap making problems and find out what went wrong plus share some tips and tricks to put the smack down on issues that pop up.


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Troubleshooting: Crackling & Glycerin Rivers in Soap soap science and info

In the Modern Soapmaking Troubleshooting series, we explore various soap making problems and find out what went wrong plus share some tips and tricks to put the smack down on issues that pop up.


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A Passion for Soap Making Video & A Reflection on My Soap Making Journey news and updates

This summer, I worked with a great company named Kindling to develop a promotional video featuring my soap making. I met Chase, one of the two great guys behind Kindling, through Zaarly. At the time, ...

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How to Use Content from the Web Legally branding your business promoting your products starting a soap business

Recently, I've had a few issues with copyright violations of Modern Soapmaking articles, eBooks (included exclusively in our former Next Level group), etc. It made me realize that many people don't kn...

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Tutorial: Pouring Essential Oils (and Other Liquids) Without Spilling a Drop! soap recipes and tutorials

You know how it goes, you invest a ton of money into all kinds of fragrance oils and essential oils and are so excited to play. But the tricky part is pouring the essential oil or fragrance oil from a...

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Soap Challenges 2013: Rainbow Peacock Swirl Soap soap recipes and tutorials

After Amy's four weeks of soap challenges earlier this year, she realized she was on to something! After some brainstorming and planning, the Soap Challenge Club was born!

June is the first month of ...

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Tutorial: Stamping Soap with a Custom Soap Stamp from LaserCutz soap recipes and tutorials

One of the major challenges I faced when I started offering a package-free option for my soap was retaining brand identity, and that was easily solved with a custom soap stamp. With a custom soap stam...

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Tutorial: Three Color Modified Mantra Swirl Soap soap recipes and tutorials

The mantra swirl is probably one of the oldest coloring techniques I know of, and is a classic soapmaking design (in my opinion!) It was one of the first designs I learned, and is one of my favorites ...

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Tutorial: Defying the Rules of Soapmaking (100% Coconut Oil Soap) soap recipes and tutorials

There are a lot of "rules" of soap making that get spread around like wildfire, and for the most part, they are true...

But not always! 100% coconut oil soap defies not one, not two, but THREE of the...

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It's not enough to be "not racist."

We must do better.

We must be actively anti-racist in our professional and personal lives to change how society works. Black soapmakers, Indigenuous soapmakers, and soapmakers of color deserve an equal opportunity to live freely, make money, and follow their dreams. Read our anti-racism pledge, see what we are doing, & find out how you can join us in closing the gap.

Learn more about our commitment to anti-racism in business.